Monday, October 9, 2023

In The Waiting...Continued


In my last post I shared a bit about what I call being in God's waiting room.  I would like to finish that thought today.  I shared a few practical things I do while I am literally waiting in lines, carpool pick up, on my car at the mechanic (AGAIN) or maybe literally waiting on that doctor to get out of surgery so she can see you...two hours after your appointment time (not that I have experience with that!).  

Today I want to share some things God has taught me while waiting on those more abstract things in life, those situations that are not measured by our watches.  Waiting for that healing you so long for, waiting for God to move in that relationship you ache to see mended.  Waiting for that job you desperately need to pay the bills.  Waiting to finish the race towards that degree you have worked so hard for.  Waiting for Mr. Right or Mrs. Right to enter your life and fulfill your longing for earthly companionship.  Waiting for God to move in whatever situation you are seeking His divine intervention for.  

In my (sadly still unpublished) book about singleness and how God brought my Tall Dark and Handsome into my lifel, I shared in more detail that practical guidance God gave me during many years and months of all kinds of waiting.  I will summarize here.

Stay Busy
Waiting can be a breeding ground for all sorts of bad attitudes, depression, despair and a general laziness "because, after all, what can I do?  God hasn't answered my request!"  God has challenged me over and over to keep busy.  Not that frenzied, try-to-forget-my-currrent-status, insane busyness that keeps us breathless and exhausted and completely unfulfilled as a child of God.  What I am talking about is find something edifying and inspirational to your soul.  It is a fact that in serving others (even when we don't feel we have an ounce to give), we are the ones that are blessed and encouraged.  Find someone in a darker, deeper place than you and love on them in whatever way God shows you to.  Attack that pantry, or laundry room or linen closet that bugs you so much you just don't even open the door anymore.  Clean that bathroom that hasn't seen a deep cleaning for months.  Sign up for a class you have always wanted to take, learn a new form of art, get into a regular walking routine.  Read a book series you have always wanted to tackle.  Go find an inductive Bible Study.  That will keep you busy for a good hour or two a day just trying to keep up!

Just don't sit around feeling sorry for yourself.  Do what is in your hand, your power to do today and leave everything outside that realm to your Sovereign God!

If you know me at all you know I am a huge promoter of the written word.  Journaling can just be so healthy.  For your soul now, today and for your memory tomorrow and in a year and in 10 years as you look back and REMEMBER how God has been faithful.  How God has answered prayers you forgot you even prayed.  We has humans simply FORGET too easiy.  So fast.  What I am agonzing or begging for today oftentimes in one year seems so trivial.  But today it is NOT trivial so journal that.  Journal your fears, aspirations, dreams, requests, angsts and yes even beefs with God.  He knows them all anyway.  Journaling is for us, dear one.  Keep those journals and read back through them every few months or years.  You will be amazed at how God has worked in you.

Surround yourself with Godly, cheerful, uplifting, Christ followers (aka real, authentic Christians)
Not to be too harsh here but not all people, not even all Christians, are healthy for us.  Some people are  toxic actually.  Make sure you find yourself a good, wholesome community that can walk this path with you and pray for you.  Maybe you don't share your deepest heart issues with the whole group, but within that group make sure you have someone who knows what is going on with you, what you are waiting on God for and praying you through this time.  It is so easy to become a hermit when we feel heartsick in the waiting.  When we don't feel we can face people with a smile.  Surround  yourself with people who encourage you towards right thinking and choosing.  Every single major waiting period in my life has also been divinely marked by being in a commmunity or small group of people who God placed there to walk that path with me.  

Another word for this could be accountability.  Invite someone (or a few someones) into your inner circle, the place where you can safely share your heart with them.  Ask them to hold you accountable during this season and offer them specific ways they can assist you and pray for you.  Invite them to ask you the tough questions: practice tough love on you on a regular basis.  This can be very scary.  It can also be the most liberating experience of your life!

Be Grateful
Are you aware how very hard it is to complain and count your blessings at the same time???  Try it!  It's kind of a fun experiment.  So while you are waiting, develop a HABIT of gratitude and thanksgiving...for EVERYTHING.  What you are waiting for, what no longer is, for the hard things today, for the joys you know are up ahead, for the people God has placed in your life.  Everything.  Thank God, thank His people, thank everyone you run into everyday.  Be the most grateful person anyone could ever meet.  You will be amazed at how your attitude about everything changes.  At least I have and I have a long ways to go to be the most grateful person I've ever met! 

I hope this has been encouraging and helpful to you if you are in a tough time of waiting.  Please feel free to private message me and share what you are waiting for.  I would be honored to pray with you as you waiting for God to call your name.  

My husband and I are in yet another season of asking, seeking and waiting for several answers to prayer (like really?  who isn't??).  How I pray we will be found faithful: busy, in community, recording for our rememberance how God is answering prayers in His timing and being ever so very grateful!

                                                                                            Waiting on Him,

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