Tuesday, March 7, 2017


It's Her Day

And Just Like That...She's Seven!

Seven years ago she made me a momma.  She came so quietly into our world that I worried she wasn't breathing.  She was laid on my belly and instinctly just crawled up until she found what she wanted.  Today she isn't so quiet as that day she was born, but she is just as determined to get what she wants.  

*She will go far.
*She will change the world because the world certainly will NOT change her!
*She can be whatever she wants to be. 
*Most recently she told me she wants to be a teacher because a teacher gets to boss everyone around.
*She is a wonderful momma to her "children," her many dolls that truly are her children in her mind (I even have to babysit them while she is at school!)
*At 7 years old she is bilingual and can interpret and translate in either language.
*She is as tall as most 9 or 10 year old Brazilians and no one can believe she is "just seven?"!
*She is the queen of drama.
*She feels everything deeply and completely.
*She loves Jesus so much and really truly wants to honor Him in her life.
*She composes her own music and dances like no one is watching.
*But LOVES when we watch her! :)
*Most of all, she is our joy-child.
*Our answer to prayer for a daughter.
*Chloe Maria: a new shoot, new life.

My prayer for her:  that truly everywhere she goes, her words, actions and attitudes will bring new life to those around her and she will always be excited to share about LIFE in Jesus!

Sunday we celebrated HER with a small, quiet family sunday dinner.  She was thrilled and told me it was "the best birthday ever"!  Like I said, she is dramatic.   But it was a lovely day.  She and her brother enjoyed grandma's pool.
She did not want birthday cake.  She asked for lots and lots of lemon tart and tacos.  In that order!

Her Tio Wellington praying a blessing over her life.

A few other events of the past month:

My son's dream was to ride "daddy's train."  For the kids it is a wonderful adventure.  For my husband who rides public transportation up to five hours a day, it is a bit of a torture!  BUT we enjoyed watching their joy in the simple things, like riding the train downtown Sao Paulo for a fun Saturday family outing.

We visited Catavento  in Sao Paulo.  It is a wonderful place that you have to visit several times to see everything.  This time we did the atronaut and Lego events.  We waited in line for "forever" but it was worth it.  The kids loved it and we all learned so much.  It reminds me a bit of the Exploratorium in San Francisco.

When they are not fighting and fussing among themselves...they are very much in love!  Recently, Noah has started calling his sister, "Amor" this and "Amor" that!!!

Headed home.  Hot and tired but very happy!
Noah playing with daddy at church...

Oh my gosh, this picture just melts.my.heart!

Celebrating cousin Isaac Jorge...two years old.  Already.

Makes this auntie very, very happy that this little guy LOVES all things chocolate and especially loves his aunties brownies and chocolate cakes!

First Day of Class for High School
My coordinator did a fantastic job of decorating our classroom for the first day of class.  She prepared a wonderful table of snacks and fresh juice.  It was quite lovely!

Our classroom guidelines

Legally I am not able to post pictures of my students without their parents consent but my class has grown to 12 students and I have grown quite attached to them already.

They are super intelligent kids who really are trying to track with me as we wade our way through US History, with a textbook four inches thick and a mere 18 weeks to "learn it all." I am so proud of them and know they will survive...as will I...right?

It is taking everything I have in me and when I have nothing else, God has surrounded me with an amazing support team to help me, give counsel, encourage me that I will survive and help in practical ways like teaching ideas, activities to keep the kids' attention, etc.

It is tough.  It is good.  I am being stretched way beyond anything in my life before professionally speaking.  I am excited to get paid to go back to High School to refresh my memory in so many subjects.  I am most blessed.

Have a marvelous week and until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Happy, happy, happy happy birthday my beautiful, beautiful Chloe Maria!! Grammy and I really miss not celebrating your birthday with you. Make this a blessed birthday! God bless you my daughter. Love you to the moon and back!! Your Papa.
