Wednesday, October 14, 2015


When I think back over the events of the past few weeks, the word that jumps into my head first is


Truly abundantly, wonderfully amazed at how God works in our lives and brings interesting bends and turns and twists in this journey we call LIFE.

For example, I was invited to translate on an international school outing to Paranpiacaba, a quaint little city nestled in the hills between us and the sea.  Besides being paid very well for the day, it was a marvelous outing for my children and I.  I went hiking way up a mountain with the junior high students and my children played with my very dear friend, Vanusa, down in the little town.  As I dragged my very OUT OF SHAPE body up the mountain, the twists and turns in the path were unknown to me but it made it exciting.  Fresh air, sweat, heart rate out of control, incredible thirst on that hot, humid day (the poor students ran out of water half way up the mountain!) and a steel determination to not allow those 7th graders to out do me all made for quite an adventure.

This is the top of the mountain and had it not be a typical foggy day, we could have seen the port of Santos from our outlook.  I was desperately disappointed to not be able to see it, but it was still beautiful.

The students had assignments to complete during our short break at the top, as well as eating their "lanches" (snacks and sandwiches).  Notice their security guard in a suit and dress shoes.  His back is toward the camera.  Yup, poor guy hiked for over two hours in overwhelming heat in a black suit and tie.  He never complained and was such a jolly, cheerful guy.

47 students, 5 teachers, 2 guides and 2 translaters!
Contacts like this school are really good for foreigners in Brazil.  They were very pleased with my friend Sarah and I's translating (though honestly, I did so little I felt ashamed to receive so well to work so little.  Sarah ended up doing most of the translating of the tour!).  One never knows when they will call needing bi-lingual speakers and the pay is.very.good.  AMAZED at the favor God has given me in this wonderful country.

I have been taking so few pictures so don't have a recent one of my love and I, but we were so blessed to celebrate 8 years of marriage last week.  Wow.  That went fast!  We always do a lot of remembering around our wedding anniversary.  How good God was during our dating, engagement and wedding preparations.  How our day was perfect, from start to finish.  How He walked the oh so difficult path of my documention process and now how it is a faint memory.  How incredibly blessed we are.  We stand AMAZED at His work in our lives, in our marriage and in our home.

Another AMAZING thing about the last few weeks is I got a job!  As in a formal, registered, will-be-an-employee job.  I was not looking for one, nor even necessarily wanting one.  However, in the weeks since my return from California I have prayed fervently for God to open doors for me to help my husband financially, at least until we can finish this college education in the next two years.  I thought God was opening up doors for something completely different and just when I was going to launch my own little baking business, bam, phone call from my Canadian friend, Sarah.  She is becoming quite a significant figure in my life!

After lots of texts, phone calls and emails, I was interviewed and hired by a private Brazilian High School that has a small US studies program within their normal school program.  Basically, the student enrolled in this program will graduate with both a Brazilian and US diploma.  They study Brazilian subjects in the morning and US subjects in the afternoon.  The school only hires "native English speakers"as they call us.  You don't need any experience as a HS teacher or even in a classroom.  All you need is English as your first language and a college degree.  Any degree.  Doesn't matter what.  My coordinator was becoming desperate because it is not like there is a huge community of us foreigners in our suburb city.  During the interview she said three times, "Jama, I really HOPE you accept because I REALLY like you!"

So, after much prayer, seeking counsel and talking over the pros and cons with my husband I accepted the position of NOT English teacher but HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER.  I still chuckle to myself when I think about it.  If you had told me the future back in college when I was buried in the subjects I love most that one day in a crazy, foreign country I would be a HS teacher, I would have laughed uproariously and told you were completely OUT OF YOUR MIND and never, never, never!!!!

I officially start work in February, the start of our new schoolyear here in Brazil but have lots of training (even a week in another state paid entirely by the school!) and preparation and studying to do.  Would you like to know what classes they gave me?  Get this: no surprise on English 1A and 1B but Speech 2 and Creative Writing.  Deep breath.  I never even took Speech in HS, though my Grandpa Ed drilled me in a way I am pretty sure I could have passed a speech test!  So, here we go! Way out of my comfort zone.  Trembling in my boots.  But at peace.  Quiet, sweet peace and...


This position pays a ridiculous amount of money for the few hours I will work during the week and we can only assume this is God's answer to my prayer of many, many weeks.  My first concern was where my children would be during my work hours and that was all settled with one phone call. They can both stay at Noah's preschool during my work hours.  It is close to home and we have been most pleased with this little school.

Other big news: Noah Miguel started pre-school the first week of September.

My serious little soldier!

Noah in his classroom with his buds on his first day!

While a very difficult decision for his daddy and I, we know it has been a good thing for us all.

Noah is in love with his teacher and never cried or resisted being left every morning.  He is very glad to see me at noon but I think that is more because he is so tired and wants his blankee and bed!!!

It's been 6 weeks and today is literally the FIRST time I have not had something screaming for my attention.  I have ran like a crazy, crazy woman trying to keep up with stuff, catch up with stuff and get some things in order in my life.  Today I decided to just take it easy and do some things I enjoy doing and maybe even rest a little bit!

One huge personal change is for the first time in my life I am working out faithfully!  I am super excited and hopeful I will reap the benefits health wise from exercise, fresh air, eating better and sleeping better.  My head and mind have already improved greatly.  As for the other areas, we await results yet!  I took a before picture but honestly, don't have the guts to post it.  Maybe when there is a great, fit after picture to put next to it to erase some of the shame.  I have given myself 1 YEAR to get healthy, energetic and fit.

My husband gave me a year of water aerobics at a local gym so every Tuesday and Thursday you can find me in the pool with all my classmates of 50+ years!!!!  But I don't care!  My doctors have been saying for 4 years that I need to workout in the water to help with my chronic muscle and joint pain and so finally, here I am.  And I LOVE IT!  I can't wait for each class.  Truly, a huge huge hurdle has been scaled and I am excited.


At His goodness.  At His faithfulness.  At how He has filled my life with dear, dear people who support me, help me, give me amazing opportunities for work and ministry.

Today I am amazed.

                                                              Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. So excited about your new teaching job and how God has provided at just the right time. You will do great and your students will love you.
    I had to laugh about your water aerobics classmates. A friend that's my age joined water aerobics at the gym and she is by far the youngest in the class.

  2. Ah Jama! How exciting to see God at work in your lives! I think He loves to delight us in His divine workings!! We can only grow when we get "out of our box", even though I am confident you will do a grand job! He leads us where it will glorify Him the most:)
    Keep being AMAZED (in HIM) Love- Anita

  3. Ah Jama! How exciting to see God at work in your lives! I think He loves to delight us in His divine workings!! We can only grow when we get "out of our box", even though I am confident you will do a grand job! He leads us where it will glorify Him the most:)
    Keep being AMAZED (in HIM) Love- Anita
