Sunday, July 26, 2015

My New Filing System...a work in progress!

This just makes my heart happy!
So, this is the result of hours of online research, studying the wonderful ideas of both a FB group of foreign women living in SP that I am a part of, as well as my personal FB friends' ideas, driving around pricing file cabinets and binders and then actually purchasing an entire box of binders and 80 clear, plastic paper covers.  Oh, and literally a huge pile of papers to SHRED.  Oh, how I LOVE shredding.  My man is a bit worried about the piles of shredding going on.  I told him he has nothing to worry about.  Nothing in the shred pile has been touched for nearly 8 years so we won't need them for the next 8 years so goodbye!!

It is certainly a work in progress but it is that I can hardly wait for my husband to ask for a specific document!!!

I was thrilled to find EIGHT binders all in the same color (quite an accomplishment here in SP) but still lack at least two, as you can see by the "stuff" still in clear plastic covers.  I have yet to solve the issue of several more piles of my dear husband's college stuff, paper products and inactive files but we are getting there!  I feel I have solved the hardest part.  And for now, I don't need to buy shelves (expensive, expensive!) and wait to have someone else hang them on my cinder block walls.  That was a huge plus even though my friends' ideas of shelves over the doors is still an idea floating around in my head for further study!

Thank you to all who offered advice.  I truly appreciate it and considered each idea carefully.  Will keep you updated as to how I solve the remaining filing issues in our itsy, bitsy home!

                                                               Have a blessed Sunday!

If anyone is interested in visiting the blog that was most helpful to me in figuring out how to actually divide up my binders in categories and sub categories,



  1. Great idea and I love how all the binders match. I keep all those little info booklets that come with appliances, electronics, tools, yard equipment, etc. in binders. It makes them easier to store and to find later.

  2. Jama! Like your organization skills! Going to share this w Natalie, who lives in a small house with 3 littles & is getting ready to purge! :) Also how can I contact you privately with a question? Have a blessed day! Anita Sink
