Sunday, June 30, 2024

365 Days


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(Insert several days late.  Due to technical difficulties and deleting posts several times in a row, this is a week late and really nothing like my first edition!  However, it is an important milestone for our family so I will post...even terrifically after the fact)

365 Days

365 days sounds like such a long time.  In a way.  In another it makes one whole year sound so short.  365 days ago we made the Lone Star State our home and mostly it feels like those days have been very short.  Wow, have we ever been through stuff the last year.  But we have experienced the Lord's presence and goodness and kindness and love in the most beautiful ways.  And it's been good!  When we drove across the border into Texas one year ago, we were coming to live in a place we had never stepped foot in outside the major airports.  We settled in a city we'd never heard of before this adventure.  We started all over in a church where we knew no one that first Sunday.  Today I can say it feels like home.  More for some of us than others.  But for now, this is our earthly home.

We love Texas.  We love our suburban city of SL.  We love our school...and homeschooling.  We LOVE our church family.  We've grown to love our neighbors and our home.  We love that we are 30 minutes from downtown and the best medical care in the nation for our husband and daddy.  How we miss our family and friends in other places we have lived but this is our place for the time being.  We are content and "the lines have fallen to us in pleasant places."  If it was up to me, I would never pack another box or move every again.  I am pretty sure I can finish raising my kids and die quite cheerfully right here!

Fun Facts and Observations I have made about Texas

Texas is the only state in the nation that has a "succession clause" 

Also the only state in the nation that can legally fly its state flag at the same level as the USA flag (and man do they ever fly their flags...everywhere all year along with many establishments flying multiple state and USA flags in the same area)

There are LONE STARS EVERYWHERE.  On overpasses, bridges, homes, cars, schools, everywhere you can hang, post, glue, stick or nail a star, there is seems!

While different than the "deep South" as I have been told, there is definitely a southern hospitality and warmness here that has blessed my family so very much.

You can literally drive for days and still be in Texas.

Not so fun fact I have encountered is an immense amount of road rage.  If you aren't traveling at 85+ miles an hour stay in the slow lane because if you don't you will surely be sorry.  On many levels.

Everything is bigger in Texas.  From ribs to hamburgers to huge trucks it just feels BIG.  All of it.

Our city is one of the most diverse in the nation.  I have been told that we are home to over 200 different ethnic groups.  Our church alone is home to over 40 ethnic groups and/or countries represented.

If one needs medical care, they come to our city.  From all over the world.  Downtown is home to literally dozens of the biggest, most specialized hospitals and clinics in the USA.  It's a maze down there.   I know.  Been there a time or two. 

I am learning to live with the reality of alligators.  My children do NOT EVER put a toe in any body of water here in southern Texas that is not a clear, clean pool that I can see the bottom of quite clearly.  I am proud of myself that I actually did visit a state park where you can walk paths and see them quite freely sunning themselves at the river's edge.  Trust me, I had an escape plan always firmly in place!  The reality is if you leave them alone, they are more than happy to leave you alone.  I have been told they are more scared of me than I am of them...I am not convinced.  yet.

Hurricane season is really a thing.  365 days in and no hurricane in sight.  yet. big.sigh.of.relief.  But we do have a plan in place if we should lose electricity, need to weigh down our trampoline or need to flee to somewhere with air conditioning!

Unrelenting humid and heat is also a thing but us Brazilians much prefer the heat to cold so we complain MUCH less than the Texans do.

I have made other observations, fallen in love with other aspects of our life here.  Struggle with a few others yet.  God is good!  We thank Him for His presence over our lives wherever we might find ourselves.  We are truly grateful for the last 365 days. 

May you find JOY where He has placed you!


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