Thursday, May 9, 2024

Kindness: how much does it cost?

 A quick internet search will produce all kinds of coined phrases like:

"Kindness is the light that dissolves all walls between souls, families and nations."  unknown

"No act of kindness however small is ever wasted."  Aesop

"Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give."  unknown

"Kindness is contagious!"  unknown

"Kindness begins with the understanding we all struggle."  Charles Glassman

What about the Word of God, our ultimate authority if we are true Christ followers?

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

"A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself.  Proverbs 11:17

"Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,"  Colossians 3:12

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud."  I Corinthians 13:4

"In order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus."  Ephesians 2:7

In the Scriptures above we find a mixture of God's kindness to us, instructions for us to be kind to others, benefits of kindness and what exactly kindness looks like on us.

I have been thinking about kindness a lot recently.  We are not experiencing any more kindness from God than ever before.  He's always been incredibly kind to us.  If the only kindness He showed us was our salvation and hope of Eternity with Him, it would be enough.  If all He ever did for us was cleanse us from our utter depravity and sinfulness and wash us clean in the blood of the Lamb, that would be kindness enough. 

But oh no.  He continues to lavishly pour out His kindness on us.  Our souls, our hearts, our families, our churches.  Kindnesses with no end in sight.  Wow.  How humbling it is to reflect on all He has done and is doing and will do.  And that marvelous thought is followed so closely with one of sadness.  How often I fall short of showing His kindness, His graciousness, His love to others as He has shown to me?  How could I do any less for my fellow journey companions than my heavenly Father has done for me?  I find myself slipping into irritation, frustration, impatience and even anger way too frequently.  The spirit is so willing but the flesh is so weak.  I have been asking God especially in my home to practice kindness mindfully, intentionally, in the grace of the Holy Spirit.  He is the only one that can temper my temper, soften my words, incline my stubborn, weary heart to wisdom and a Christ-likeness that I so desire.  

As cheesy as it may sound, I think often of the saying, "In a world where you can be anything, be kind."  It reminds me that it is not really that difficult to practice kindness.  We practice all kinds of other things everyday, why not kindness?  A gentle word, a sweet smile, a letting the other driver go first when it was clearly my right away?  A holding of a door an extra moment for the weary mama behind you trying to push a stroller and handle the yelling toddler.  Our kind word or deed may make all the difference in someone's day and open up doors for ministry and evangelism we cannot even imagine.

I was astounded by a gift of kindness I received the other day in the grocery store.  I had almost ran into this older lady in one aisle and stepped back and let her go first.  I thought nothing of it.  Several moments later we again almost run into each other.  This time she stopped and grabbed a homemade bag out of her cart and told me this, "I would like to give this to you.  I make them and give them to people who are kind to me in town.  Its reusable and you can wash it!"  Wow.  You can be sure I smile every single time I grab that bag and fill it with groceries.  The unexpected kindness of a perfect stranger.  She also challenged me to offer unexpected kindnesses in unexpected ways.

God has been most kind to myself and my family.  As I said, He has always been so kind to us but recently it feels like He has been pouring it on extra thick! 😁 If I were to record them all here I would need several instalments of posts.  I will share a few besides what I already mentioned above as spiritual blessings.  Of spiritual blessings and kindness, there is truly no end. 

My mother-in-law arrived safely from Brazil very early this morning!
It's been two years already since she's seen the children.  It was a sweet reunion.

Her visit is such a sweet kindness from our gracious Father

Our first Texan wedding-such a sweet time celebrating this precious couple

The Lord provided fishing rods from a garage sale for the boy and his daddy.  This our first time out enjoying them.  Noah had way more fun learning to cast over and over and over than waiting for fish to bite!

The man and I...finding ourselves enjoying just sitting and watching the kids more and more! 

A very special kindess in this visit from cousins "from home."  Loved hearing about the journey God has them on and catching up on their lives.

A and M were so sweet and played a long game of pickleball with the kids.  

Chloe and I were asked to set this table and host it for our first Ladies Tea at church.
What a sweet kindness from the Lord this event was.  Happened to be a theme dear to my heart.

Theme: Biblical Hospitality

The ultimate kindness our Lord showed us was to die on that rugged, wicked cross to pay the penalty for our sin, lay in a tomb for three days and rise again so that we can live with Him forever one day.  Kindness for Jesus cost Him everything.  How much will it cost you today?  

Let's ask for help from the Holy Spirit to practice KINDNESS.  Even if it costs us our pride, our time, our resources and our energy.  After all, it is a commandment in the Word.  May the Lord empower you today to obey His Word!


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