Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Grace for Today

Late July: My love and I took a very short, but much needed, little trip to Rio de Janeiro for two days.  We enjoyed this beautiful city to the full.
 I wonder how many of my readers thought that this time, I really did just disappear.  I have missed this little blog.  I have missed sharing glimpses into our crazy, busy life here in the urban world.  I have missed sharing bits and pieces of what God is teaching me.  But here I am.  We are just fine.  We are terrifically busy but all is well.  We are so grateful.  I will share a bit of the whirlwind of events that have made up the last THREE months since I last posted.

Feeling very touristy in Rio!!

On top of "Pao de Acucar" (Sugarloaf Gondola)

While the cats are away, the little mice will play...and play they did with Avo Rosa, Avo Jorge and cousin Isaac

Late July: We were so honored to be invited to share in dear friends' graduation from a marriage course they took. 

Celebrating with Paulo and Vanda in the conclusion of their marriage course.

Late July: Enjoying one more trip to the Park with dear friends before school starts in August

She asked me for one day together before I went back to work in August so we did a very Americany thing and spent the afternoon at the Mall.  We ate lunch at Outback, her first time, and had our afternoon coffee at non other than Starbucks!  It was glorious.  Especially the part about having her all to myself for several hours.  It is a rare and beautiful thing!

Noah and his classmates of Pre I

Chloe and I ran away from school one afternoon and straight to the hospital next door so she could be treated for a fractured finger.  Not fun but I have often been grateful the last two years that we study next door to a great hospital and doctors!

Ladies worship service with Comunidade Promorar-We had a wonderful afternoon worshipping, hearing the Word and of course, eating!

Yours truly was the speaker for the afteroon-a true blessing as God spoke to us about prayer.

In my classroom with my new uniform.  I can't legally post pictures of my students who are all minors so you will have to just see me!  I feel sometimes that I live in this classroom.
 SEPTEMBER-The Month of Two Weddings, Four Birthdays, One Vacation, One Anniversary Party and One Surgery
My 41st birthday was marvelous.  We had pretty authentic American hamburgers with two very special friends, Leandro and Livia.  It was perfect.

We spent, ironically enough, the holiday of Brazilian Independence on Sept 7 at Holambra, a Dutch city about 2 hours outside Sao Paulo.  What a delightful day.

Holambra is one of the largest suppliers of flowers for the country and is just alive with color and beauty.

Delicious lunch!

Our little boy turned 5 years old

As the family goodbyes loom closer and closer, we thoroughly enjoyed our week with Brother in law, sister in law and the little boys in Goias, Brazil.  How we will miss them when they leave for their new mission field in Mozambique but how we rejoice to know they are in the middle of GOD's will for their lives.

The housekeeping ladies in our hotel gave the children a towel folding lesson one evening.  They created their own "dogs"and were quite proud of them.

Look mommy, I am strong!  I got this! (he was much braver through this little needed, simple surgery than his mommy was!)

A very hours later with his treat, Acai, for being so brave!!!

Chloe with her cousin, Victor, at the third wedding in a marathon of four weddings in four weeks.
My girl and I all dressed up...
It was a beautiful wedding and this is one lovely girl!

My in-laws five grandchildren-soon to be living in three different countries.

 Unfortunately, I am having issues with blogspot (or internet connection...or both!), so will have to continue this post another time.  Soon...I promise!

Blessings on your evening,

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