Sunday, April 15, 2018

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Make lemonade!

So, this week of the unexpected, that is exactly what we tried to do.

All four of us where banished to isolation with a horrific round of pink-eye.

When in the middle of a hectic, crazy, daily schedule one only wishes to rest.  Be at home.  Banished to isolation sounds W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L. are there and all you wish is for normal, busy, in-the-routine!

What this week at home taught me: be ever so grateful for the craziness and being able to go to work and school and church and the grocery and even the park.

So, we made lemonade.  We solved several issues online like documents for our Brazilian taxes all turned in to our accountant.  I finished my mid-term exam and wrote a study guide for my students.  Got the ball running on renewing kids passports and my permanent Brazilian visa.  Watched movies together.  Took a nap

Mommy also washed towels and pillowcases and washed lots of dishes after daddy made lunch.  Every few hours drops for everyone and antibiotics for both coughing kids.  Compresses and washings with iced water for everyone's inflamed and iching eyes. Several trips to the Emergency Room (to get "atestados," the forms you are required to have to justify absence from school and work).

And that was our routine.  For 8 days.  Today we come out of hibernation!  It will be good to worship with our church family in a few hours.

We have so much to be grateful for.  After a cool, damp summer we have had a wonderful dry, warm Fall, go figure!  But what a blessing that this week that I need to wash loads and loads of laundry that it was nice and warm to dry our clothes as I washed them.  Today, we are officially good to go and it is wet and rainy.  God is so good!

Noah was the longest to go without getting pink-eye.  After 5 days living with all of us infected ones he came down with it last Monday.  But even with red, ouchy eyes he wanted to wash dishes for mommy. 
I will spare you the pictures we have of our eyes!  Safe to say, we sincerely hope we never, ever get this stuff again.  But everything does pass, so tomorrow we start our normal.  Praise God!!!

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