Thursday, March 10, 2016

A Quick Update...

We are now on day 12 of Everson's stint in the hospital.  He was told yesterday they may ask for four more days of IV antibiotics, which takes us to a Monday release.  However, I am learning to hold things very loosely...again.  It is better to just live today, not getting over upset or excited about tomorrow.

Our little girl turned 6 years old this week and instead of her marvelous birthday lunch we had planned for her, we took bakery goodies to enjoy with her daddy at the hospital.  She also took goody bags to her classmates at school.  It helped ease the disappointment of a reality we would never ask for but are trying to accept with GRACE!

My love is feeling much better and responding well to the various medications he is on for liver, kidney, pneumonia, horrific cough and high blood pressure.  We will know today for sure if he will need four more days of antibiotics which is what they were saying yesterday.  Pray for grace: lots of grace and patience and especially for protection over his job and college semester.  We have to trust God is in control when life feels a bit out of control because everything He allow in our lives is for our GOOD, not our destruction.

My days are consumed with running: children to school, children picked up, at least one hospital visit a day, trying to do some laundry and cooking in between, preparing classes and giving classes.

God is good all the time.  All the time, God is good!

Please keep praying.  Once again, we depend on those prayers.


1 comment:

  1. Prayers Jama!! Praying that you'll continue to rest in HIS sovereign plans and Truths!! Lots of love, Dean & Anita
