Monday, December 1, 2014

Blessed Quietness...

It is early but our little home is quiet.
Truly a treat for this mommy tonight...
Bummer that sister won herself an early night to bed.
I might as well take advantage of it...
And let my readers know we are still alive.  And well.  And blessed.  And thankful.
For so much.

We snuck in a couple hours at the park Sunday morning.  It was good...for all of us.

Wow, yummy ice cream but that lemon flavor is a bit sour!!!  

Chloe had been given some money by one of her uncles to spend how she wanted to spend.  So, guess what she wanted?!

This is definitely one of the most unique gifts we have been sent.  I have no idea who sent it but please, if you are the giver of this amazing gift, please know my husband and I are already dreaming of what we will purchase with it.  THANK YOU!  I told my husband when I showed it to him that that very day I had been on amazon researching a book my father told me about recently.  I commented that I thought it was cool God sent me money for my book the very day I was thinking that books are just not on our priority list today.  My love looked at me and with a twinkle in his eye said, "Yes, but amazon sells all kinds of things..not just books!"  Note; my husband is NOT a reader!!!  And since I am passionate about reading, for me amazon=books!!!

Thankful that as exhausting as this stage is...he is healthy, he is active, he is on the go...he is teething.  Need I say more?
His powdered nose is courtesy of some fun with cornstarch this time!!!

Some of the joys of her growing up: she is wanting to help me more and more.  In the last few weeks she has helped bathe her little brother, fed him his morning cereal and here is combing his hair.  She said, "Look, mommy, I am a "cabeleireira," (hair stylist).  He was more wet than anything but thoroughly enjoyed his time in his sister's "beauty salon"!!!

Or maybe not enjoying it so much now!

I wish I had a picture of how she went to school one day last week.  When her father saw her he mouthed to me, "She really is going like that?"  I mouthed back, "Yes, she did her own hair so it is what it is!  She is thrilled with it."  So off she went and bless her van driver's heart, when she climbed in, Tia Lu exclaimed, "Why aren't we all "chique" and pretty and made up today?!!"  She is growing up.  Sometimes my mommy heart skips a few beats when I think about how

In one short month, 2014 will be history.
2015 will be reality.
May your December bring you much joy, special times with family and friends, blessing and hopefully some sanity along with the craziness!

Just really grateful,

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jama, I love hearing about your family and your life. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
