Monday, March 10, 2014

Royal Celebration of Princess Chloe

Her actual birthday was Friday...a nice day at home, playing with her buddy, Matheus, that used to live here in our condo but moved to the country last year.  His mother, a precious friend of mine, came to help me on Friday in preparation for Saturday's party.  Delightful day working together, finishing up a hundred details...and talking and talking, making up for the months I haven't seen her!

There are no words to describe Vanusa fullly.  She is my angel of more ways than one.  Suffice to say, I love her and miss her presence here close so so much.  Thank you, V. for blessing us all once again and for loving on my children last week.

Concentrating so hard so she could win this round!

My ideas coming together...I found a picture online that I liked and tried to copy it!

The princess herself nearly giddy with excitement.

What can I say?  We love her!!!

Daddy loves...she told her daddy when we were getting ready that he was her king!  Think that made him happy?

Her delicious strawberry cake, special made to order by Tia Rose.  Amazingly delicious cake.

Her mommy's first try at cut out, decorated cookies.  Love when "first times" actually turn out.  They were a hit.  Might I say they were yummy?!

Had to have pompoms...I am officially addicted to pompoms!

Everson's Tia official kitchen boss.  She handled all the sandwich making.  Such a blessing, this woman!

MIL, Rosa and Tia Dinha...all ready to go with mini breads that were filled with delicious shredded chicken or beef.

Because no one has much space in the city, therefore very few things for kids to do, it is typical to rent toys for the kids that attend the party.  We were able to rent the little house of balls and a trampoline.  Chloe played from 4pm until she dropped dead at 10:30ish.  Child was wiped out!

We found out really fast that Noah HATED the balls.  He screamed in terror.  Poor child!  First time I have seen him react that way.  Needless to say, he preferred quietly hanging out with his great grandma in her quiet back apartment.

Our pastor, Heider, and a couple from church, Everton & Camila.

More special guests!

Our pastor, William's wife, Priscila and their 2 year old son, Lucas!

Yuri, a litte friend of Chloe's and his parents, Juliano & Bianca

Chloe, Lara, Larissa and Matheus

Chloe and her sweet little friend, Lara.

My dear FIL, Jorge and Tia and I (and excuse the awful picture of me...before anyone asks, I am not pregnant, though it does look like!).
This will have to do for now.  There will be professional pictures by the Professional Tatiane at some point. Thought I would post the ones we managed to take on our little point and shoot while the memories are still fresh.
Our little girl enjoyed being so royally celebrated and we enjoyed blessing her and a night with family and friends. 
I will post more about Brazilian birthdays soon. 
I find them fascinating!

1 comment:

  1. Hope your doing ok Jama! It looks like a bit since you posted, so I hope you are well and everyone is good! The Birthday looks like it was fun! Have a great night, Kim
