Tuesday, February 18, 2014

His Banner Over Me Is Love

Our Valentine's Day Dinner...just us.  No spilled juice.  No baby wanting to sit on mommy's lap while we all eat.  No meat needing to be cut for the little girl.  No need to get up and get something forgotten (thank God, that is what servers are for!).  No interrupted conversations.  It was just us for a few minutes.  Lost in our own little world.  Really, it was pure bliss.  As a mother, I have come to absolutely LOVE eating out!  And the company was perfect.

Eating out in Sao Paulo (at really nice restaurants) is extremely expensive so we simply don't.do.it.much.  So, to be treated at a lovely little Italian place, complete with stemmed goblets AND FRESH FLOWERS, well, I had to have a picture.

He still makes my heart race a little faster when he looks at me that way!
Notice our fresh juices.  Oh, I do love Brazil's way of "doing" juice!

Our appetizer.  Delicious.  Pretty sure I can do a replicate here at home.  Can't wait to try.

My Salmon in Maracuja sauce with the most marvelous Asparagus Risotto EVER.
Went away with my stomach content and my love bucket full!
My prayer is that every day will be Valentine's Day for us and our home.
That everyday we will grow a little less selfish, self-centered and self-absorbed.
That everyday we will grow a little more to be like Jesus.
That our children will sense that LOVE rules and GRACE is abundant and MERCY overflows.
Because that is how HE treats us.

A blessed Tuesday to you all,

1 comment:

  1. I totally get the "that's what the servers are for." I still prefer eating at a restaurant over take out because the servers not only set the table but they also clean up and refill my water glass over and over. Glad you had some adult only time.
