Monday, September 30, 2024

Trafficking in the Truth


"Trafficking in the truth"-Pastor Daron Roberts, sermon on September 15, 2024

John 14:25-31

What does that mean?  We usually associate the word "trafficking" with all kinds of evil movement and slavery of our most vulnerable human beings.  So what does it mean to traffic in the Truth?  He said simply it means a well worn Bible, a vibrant prayer life, listening to Godly, biblical sermons, faithful involvement in a Christian church community where you know people, and are known.  Where everything I do, say, spend time at, think about, meditate on and hold up as valuable is based in and around the Truth of God's Word.  Wow.  I keep hearing this during my week: am I trafficking in the Truth?  Are my words tempered with Truth?  Are my thoughts lined up accurately with Scripture?  Is my mind being renewed daily by the Holy Spirit and focused on having the "mind of Christ?" Are my actions truthful?  Do my actions line up with what comes out of my mouth or is there discrepancy that causes others to wonder about my faith?  That causes others to doubt my God or His power to transform a life?

I fail so often.  How grateful and humbled I am for the grace of God, the patience of a loving heavenly Father, the faithful, convicting presence of the Holy Spirit.  How grateful I am that He hasn't finished with me yet and will keep convicting me of Truth and give me the strength and endurance to keep "trafficking" in it.  I have been given absolutely every single resource I need to live in the Truth.

The month of September has been a full one for us.  Birthdays abound: mine starts the month off and we celebrate Noah's right in the middle.  My husband and children fixed me a delicious lunch while I sat on the couch.  What a treat!  A Sunday afternoon nap and a family movie completed my perfect birthday.  I also had a special visitor in my cousin, M, that week so that made it extra perfect. I am most blessed.  

Stuffed potato with BBQ Chicken, Caprese Salad and Coconut Cake

Noah chose the 12 white roses

Noah turned 11 and as we always do on every.single.birthday we thank God almighty for protecting his life one more year.  I would say he is our most accident prone child but to be perfectly accurate the Lord blessed us with TWO accident prone children.  We are grateful beyond words that the accidents/injuries seem to be less frequent the older they get!  But we still thank God for His protection over Noah, who we never know where he is or what tool or saw he is building something with or contraption he is about to jump off now.  His lego creations continue to blow my mind.  His imagination has no end and he still loves to tell his mama all about his dreams and aspirations for the future. 

He chose a few special people in his life to have dinner with him.  His buddies and he smothered the trampoline with 2 liters (no kidding!) of dish soap and had a glorious time in the water.

Noah informed me that 5th grade is MUCH easier than 4th grade.  Not sure why but amen!

Chloe has informed me she is pretty sure she won't survive High School.  I can't imagine why!  We continue to cherish any prayers for our homeschool kiddo as the past several weeks have been the toughest of her school career ever.  I would despair unless the Lord had showed me so clearly this is a process and journey He has her on and it is for His glory and her good.  Mama is learning to not step in and try to fix it all for her.  We still have many tearfilled days together but I see her growing in ways she never could have without the challenges that have been thrown at her this year already.  We really do only grow when the pressure is on and pain does stretch and grow our character in beautifully painful ways!

I have been experimenting with sourdough again.  My starter died a tragic death after I had surgery and didn't give it any love for several weeks as I recuperated.  I was given a new batch of bubbly, smelly starter and have been having a great time.  Below is our newest favorite and I think I found a recipe my family will eat in sliced bread.  My goal is to no longer need to buy bread for sandwiches and toast.  So far I have made English muffins, regular round loaves, pancakes and sandwich bread.

My husband is maintaining health wise.  He has had some discouraging news recently regarding the pain and lack of mobility in his leg.  Physical therapy is not a good option at this point so we wait on the Lord's direction as to how to help him strengthen that leg and avoid more serious problems in the future.  He is no longer a good candidate for bone marrow transplant but has been put on a stem cell transplant list.  That process may take another year.  He has agreed to a new med in clinical trials so that is the next immediate step.

We are so grateful for the many people who pray faithfully for him and ask us regularly how he is doing.  We depend on those prayers and will keep you posted as we can. 

And just like that it is the last day of September.  Fall is coming slowly to southern Texas but we are so enjoying a MUCH milder September than last year.  It is amazing to step outside and feel a cool breeze!

May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine up on you, and give you peace!

If there is any way I can be praying for you or your family, please reach out.  It is a delight to pray for you as you have so faithfully prayed for us.  



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